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Removable Disk Backup System

Chi tiết kỹ thuật


(Q2047A) HPE RDX 3TB Removable Disk Cartridge
Mô tả
Q2047A HPE RDX 3TB Cartridge

Capacity: 3TB
Transfer rate (average sustained): Up to 100MBs
Form factor: 1.63 x 5.78 x 6.72 in
Warranty: 3 years
Status: Available
Data Sheet: Click here

(Q2047A) HPE RDX 3TB Removable Disk Cartridge
4SOLUTIONS Trading And Service Ltd., Co. Địa chỉ : 209/73 Tôn Thất Thuyết, P3, Q4, TP HCM, Việt Nam. Email: khanhndd@4rgroup.com Telephone: (84 28)-36362438 Hotline: 0903847911